تجليات الرحمة عند الأنبياء والرسل لذويهم في القرآن


Year-Number: 2021-30
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-09-30 07:56:50.0
Language : Arapça
Konu : Temel İslam Bilimleri
Number of pages: 57-63
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


إن من أهم ما يمثل رسالة الإسلام  الرحمة، فالرحمة هي الأساس في الإسلام . فرحمة الإسلام لا تشمل الرحمة بالإنسان، بل وتمتد إلى الحيوان والنبات وغيرها من المخلوقات. وبهذا استحق الإسلام أن يكون رسالة عالميّة، وليس فقط للمسلمين وحدهم. فالمسلم رحيم بأخيه المسلم ورحيم بالنصراني واليهودي وبقية الأقوام، مادام هذا الإنسان لايعادي الدعوة الإسلامية ويقف منها موقف المحارب وموقف الظالم. وإن الأنبياء والرسل هم أرفع وخيرة بني البشر، لأن الله اختارهم لإيصال رسالته إلى الأمم، ولهذا استحق هؤلاء الأنبياء أن يتحلّوا ويتّصفوا بأجمل الصفات والأخلاق. وبالتأكيد كانت الرحمة من أهم خصائصهم وصفاتهم، فقد كانوا رحماء بأقوامهم ورحماء بذويهم أيضاً، ولكن لم تكن هذه الرحمة بذويهم على حساب الدعوة إلى الله تعالى، فقد كانتْ دعوة الأنبياء ممزوجة بالرحمة لأقوامهم و لذويهم. وقد برزتْ بعض الإشارات التي ظهرتْ من بعض الأنبياء في القرآن لذويهم أثناء دعوتهم إلى الله وإلى الإسلام. ويأتي هذا البحث ليبيّن هذه الرحمة وهذه اللطائف التي أبداها و أظهرها الأنبياء تجاه ذويهم كآبائهم وأبنائهم وإخوانهم.



Mercy is one of the most important elements symbolizing the call (message) of Islam and is one of the basic building blocks of Islam. The mercy of Islam is a universal call that encompasses not only human beings but also animals, plants and all creatures. Thus, Islam became a call not only to Muslims but to the whole world.A Muslim is merciful towards his fellow Muslims, Christians, Jews, and other communities, as long as they do not show hostility to the cause of Islam and act as a tyrant and a warrior towards this cause. Undoubtedly, Prophets and Messengers are the highest and best of humanity. Because Allah has chosen them to convey His call to the nations. For this reason, prophets were deemed worthy of being qualified with the most beautiful and lofty attributes.A Muslim is merciful towards his fellow Muslims, Christians, Jews, and other communities, as long as they do not show hostility to the cause of Islam and act as a tyrant and a warrior towards this cause. Undoubtedly, Prophets and Messengers are the supreme being and best of humanity. For Allah has chosen them to convey His call to the nations. For this reason, prophets were deemed worthy of being qualified with the most beautiful and lofty attributes.As a matter of fact, Mercy was their most important feature and attribute. They were also merciful towards their community and relatives. However, their mercy was not against the cause of Allah. The invitation of the prophets was blended with the mercy of their relatives and communities. In the Qur'an, some signs appeared during the invitation of some prophets to their relatives to Allah and Islam. This research find out the mercy and good behavior of the prophets as fathers, children and brothers.
