Author : Sevcan BAYRAK ÇELİK
Number of pages : 395-408


Pre-school education is the educational process that includes all the lives of the child from the birth of the child to primary school. This period, which covers the 0-5 age period, is an important period in which the child's physical, mental, emotional and social development is fast and the personality structure starts to form and the basic habits are given to the child. Pre-school education makes the family part of the education process with its structure based on family participation. For this reason, it should be considered that the pre-school education process not only supports the child's development processes but also provides an active process for the family and participation in education. It is important to emphasize the importance of the education given in the early period to emphasize the importance of education. No matter how well pre-school education programs are prepared, they are not effective unless supported by families. The realization of permanent behavioral changes in preschool education institutions in children is possible with the planned learning experiences in the program. Parents should support their children in preschool period. The family has a privileged place in every aspect of the child's life, and young children are wholly dependent on their families. The child takes his initial education in the family and the parents are the first educators of his children. When each child arrives at school, he or she has traces of family structure. The family plays an important role in this process, which we call a critical period.


Family, Education, Children, Family Participation Activities

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